Event Details

UALA Conference Helps Increase Knowledge and Improve Skills of Our Members.

This year it is important that we join together to share knowledge, ideas, and best practices. We have all been challenged and will continue to work together to protect the residents, staff, and community.

We are truly #bettertogether.

Sponsorships are available! Click register to become a sponsor.


  • Main Track

  • Track 1

  • Track 2

8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
Keynote - Lieutenant Governor Spencer Cox
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
Department of Health
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
James Balda & Hero Awards
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Dream. Believe. Acheive!
I reveal what made me extremely successful at pivotal points in my 12 year career on the U.S. Ski Team. How I overcame obstacles, doubts and fear to ultimately win 2 Olympic Medals. I shar...
I reveal what made me extremely successful at pivotal points in my 12 year career on the U.S. Ski Team. How I overcame obstacles, doubts and fear to ultimately win 2 Olympic Medals. I share how these same ideas and strategies cross over into the business sector and how EVERYONE can execute them to achieve their maximum potential!
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Member Price $80
Standard Price $100
UALA Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Partner Benefits: Contribute $1000 or more and receive:
Industry partner until May of 2021
One 3-5 minute presentations at the beginning of an annual conference presentation One 3-5 minute presentation for a break out session.
Company logo and link to company website on the UALA website home page Access to the UALA membership contact information
6 dedicated email blasts
6 social media posts

Standard Price $1,000
UALA Gold Sponsor

Gold Partner Benefits: Contribute $500 and receive:
Industry partner until May 2021
One 3-5 minute presentation at the beginning of one annual conference presentation Company logo and link to company’s website on the UALA web site home page (limited space) 3 Dedicated email blasts
3 Social media posts

Standard Price $500
UALA Silver Sponsor

Silver Partner Benefits: Contribute $275 and receive:
Industry partner until May of 2021
Company logo and link to company website on the UALA home page (limited space) Two Dedicated Email Blasts
Two social media post

Standard Price $275
UALA Bronze Sponsor

Bronze Partner: Contribute $200 or more and receive:
Industry partner until May 2021
Company logo and link to company website on the UALA home page (limited space) One Email Blast
One Social Media Post

Standard Price $200